MRCS is a HIPAA compliant medical record workflow automation and analytics platform for HEDIS (Hybrid, Off-season) and Risk Adjustment initiatives (Sweeps, Concurrent, RADV, Mock RADV, IVA).  The solution requires no new hardware or on-going maintenance. Our Customer Success team can launch you quickly and efficiently therefore significantly reducing costs and speeding time to value.

The integrated platform is web-based, secure and provides complete real-time visibility into every aspect of the Medical Record Review (MRR) process.  Current modules include:


 Here are some of the highlights of these features:

  •  Friendly User Interface
  •  Configurable
  •  Integrated Audit Tools
  •  Project-Centric
  •  Roles & Permissions
  •  Real-Time Analytics

Benefits of the MRCS workflow include: real-time analytics, comprehensive medical record retrievalencounter-based MR coding, concurrent review, and cost advantages.