How to Improve Provider Documentation to Increase Coding Accuracy




Risk adjustment programs rely on accurate capture of diagnoses codes - but coding is only as good as the documentation available to the coder. Communication between the health plan and its providers is key to increase accuracy and avoid negative impact to Risk Adjustment results and incentives.

This webinar aims to equip health plans to open the dialogue with providers to improve documentation practices, coding specificity, and will provide a concrete path to starting the conversation with providers to ensure a positive result.

We encourage Directors and Managers of Risk Adjustment programs to join, as well as executives responsible for revenue integrity of government programs.




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Topics we will cover:

  • Documentation challenges
  • Coding best practices
  • Blue print on how to open the dialogue with providers

Who should watch:

  • VP of Government Programs
  • Directors and Managers of Risk Adjustment
  • Risk Adjustment Auditors
  • Medical coders

Meet Our Webinar Presenter

Melissa Rector

Director, IVA & Risk Adjustment Programs

Melissa’s unique combination of experience in medical coding, consulting, education and
management has made her an invaluable asset in the medical coding industry at a national level. With over 22 years in health care, she has extensive experience with organizational process development and
management provided to high profile Risk Adjustment Data Validation Audits (HHS-IVA-RADV, MA RADV & OIG), Prospective and Retrospective Services, Revenue Management, Home Health Assessment Services and various medical coding projects.

Melissa Rector