RADV-IVA Program 101




When the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) selects plans for a risk adjustment data validation (RADV) audit, they need to have a high degree of certainty that their diagnoses submitted for reimbursement are valid. For professionals responsible for the audit a lot of elements come to play to ensure a successful result.

This webinar aims to serve as a primer of what the RADV-IVA entails, factors to consider, and elements for success.


Whether you are a seasoned professional or new to RADV-IVA, this webinar will serve as a reminder of the most relevant aspects to keep in mind to succeed when managing this audit.



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Topics we will cover:

  • Purpose HHS-CMS RADV-IVA Program
  • REGTAP, Protocol, CMS Audit Tool
  • IVA Timeline
  • Edge Server RADV-IVA Sample Reports
  • RADV-IVA Program Requirements 

Who should watch:

  • VP of Government Programs
  • Directors and Managers of IVA Programs
  • Directors and Managers of Compliance
  • Risk Adjustment Auditors

Meet Our Webinar Presenter

Melissa Rector

Director, IVA & Risk Adjustment Programs

Melissa’s unique combination of experience in medical coding, consulting, education and
management has made her an invaluable asset in the medical coding industry at a national level. With over 22 years in health care, she has extensive experience with organizational process development and
management provided to high profile Risk Adjustment Data Validation Audits (HHS-IVA-RADV, MA RADV & OIG), Prospective and Retrospective Services, Revenue Management, Home Health Assessment Services and various medical coding projects.

Melissa Rector